
This Office is responsible for the verification of pension claims and authorization of pensionary benefits relating to:

  • State Government Employees
  • Employees of State Aided Educational Institutions, allocated employees of Universities in the State of Karnataka,
  • All India Service Officers borne on Karnataka Cadre.
  • Judges of High Court of Karnataka.
  • Members of Karnataka Public Service Commission.
  • Political Pensioners and Artist Pensioners.

The Controller of State Accounts and the Legislative Secretariat authorize the pension claims of employees of Local Bodies and Members of Legislative Assembly and Council respectively. Old Age Pension, Physically Handicapped/Mentally Retarded Pensions, Destitute/Widow pension are sanctioned by concerned Deputy Commissioner. Adhoc pension to Pre-primary school staff (Grants-in-Aid) etc., are sanctioned and authorized by the respective Departments. 

Pension Terms and their Meanings:

Qualifying Service:

    • The length of service determines the amount of pension that may be granted. Qualifying service is reckoned and expressed in terms of
      six monthly periods. Full pension is admissible for qualifying service of 66 six monthly periods (Maximum qualifying service).
    • In calculating the length of qualifying service, (i) a fraction of a year equal to three months and above shall be treated as a completed six monthly period   (ii) fraction of a year equal to 9 months & above shall be treated as 2 six monthly periods and reckoned as qualifying service for determining amount of pension. (Note 2 under Rule 287 of KCSRs).
    • The minimum qualifying service for earning pension has been reduced from existing 15 years to 10 years vide G.O No. FD 06 SRA 2003 dated 08.09.2006

Conditions of Qualifying Service - A government servant’s service does not qualify for pension till he has completed 18 years of age (Rule 220 of KCSR). The service must be under Government i.e. appointment done by the Government and duties and pay regulated by the Government. (Rule 223 of KCSR) Service does not qualify unless the Government servant holds a substantive office on a permanent establishment but temporary service forwarded by permanent service will count to the extent indicated in Rule 226. (Rule 224 of KCSR) Service must be paid for by the Government and does not include service in a non-pensionable establishment. This office is not the authority that finalises the pension claims of employees appointed/regularized by the Zilla Panchayats.

Rules for Reckoning Service

Leave - Time passed on all kinds of leave with allowances counts as service (Rule 244 of KCSR). Periods of overstayal of leave, joining time, suspension and unauthorized absence which remain unregularised till the time of retirement shall count for pension as qualifying service to a maximum of 3 years. However the periods treated as ‘Dies-non’ shall not be counted as qualifying service for pension(Rule 244-A of KCSR)

Training - Government may at its discretion, decide, in the case of a Government servant who is selected to undergo a course of training whether the period shall count as qualifying service for pension. (Rule 246 of KCSR) 

Suspension - The period of suspension does not count unless the competent authority passes an order under Rule 99. Time passed under suspension pending enquiry into the conduct counts in full where, on conclusion of the enquiry, the Government servant has been fully exonerated or the suspension is held to be wholly unjustified. (Rule 250 of KCSR).

Resignation, dismissal or removal -  entails forfeiture of past service (Rule 252 of KCSR) Special Additions to Qualifying Service

  • Addition to qualifying service to members of the Bar, who are appointed to judicial department, is permissible as per the provisions of Rule 247(1) of KCSR.
  • Persons, who are recruited after 30 years of age, are eligible for addition to the qualifying service in accordance with the provisions of Rule 247 A of KCSR.
  • Military/ War service counts for pension (Rule 219-A, 219-B of KCSR), if pension is not earned for this service separately.
  • Employees of educational institutions recognized by government and subsequently getting into Government service in accordance with the rules of recruitment are entitled for additions to qualifying service in accordance with the provisions of the Rule 248 of KCSR.

  • Employees of work charged establishment of Government subsequently absorbed into Government service are entitled for additions to qualifying service as per the provisions of 248 A of KCSR.
  • Counting of additional years/ past service (under Rule 219, 224, 235, 247, 248, 252,416 & 417 as qualifying service for pension as per the above rules is subject to sanction from the appointing authority in accordance with the provisions of Rule 224-B of KCSRs.  (Effective from 12-5-2006, vide GO No.FD 06 SRA 2004 dated:8/5/2006).


Emoluments drawn on the last day of service to be reckoned for calculation of Pension.  The emoluments include the following:-


Basic pay drawn by a Government Servant in the scale of pay applicable to the post held by him on the date of retirement/death.

Stagnation Increment, if any, granted to him above the maximum scale of pay.

Personal pay, if any, granted to him under sub-rule (3) of Rule 7 of the Karnataka Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1999.

Special pay attached to the posts of stenographers, typists, Drivers and Lift operators.

Employees of educational Institutions recognized by government and subsequently getting into Government Service as a result of either the school being taken over by Government or his securing an appointment according to the rules of recruitment are entitled for additions to qualifying service in accordance with the provisions of the Rule 248 of KCSR.

Calculation of Pension

Pension = (Emoluments/2)* (QS/66) Where  Emoluments =  Pay Drawn on the last day of service QS: Qualifying service expressed in half yearly periods/six monthly periods 

Retirement Gratuity/ Death gratuity 

Retirement Gratuity Retirement gratuity is paid to a government servant who retires and has completed more than ten six monthly periods of qualifying service.
It is equal to 1/4th of the emoluments for each completed six monthly period of qualifying service, subject to a maximum of 16.5 times the emoluments.
The  amount  of  retirement  gratuity thus  calculated shall be subject to a maximum of Rs. 6 lakhs wef 31/3/2010 as per GO No. FD (Spl) PEN 2009 dated: 3/06/2010.

To whom it is payable

DCRG is payable to a retired government servant immediately after his retirement.
If the Government servant dies before receiving the payments, gratuity will be paid to the nominee in whose favour the nomination has been filed and accepted. If the nomination has not been filed/nomination filed does not subsist,  DCRG is payable according to the provisions under Rule 292 of KCSRS.

Calculation of Retirement Gratuity

DCRG= (LPD/4) * QS
Where LPD= Emoluments drawn on the last of service
QS = Qualifying Service expressed in completed  six monthly periods. Death Gratuity
In the event of the death of a Government servant the death gratuity shall be admissible under Karnataka Civil service Rules at the following rates:

Serial No.

Length of Qualifying Service

Rate of gratuity


Less than one year

Two times of emoluments


One year or more but less than 5 years.

Six times of emoluments


Five years or more but less than 20 years

Twelve times of emoluments


20 years or more

Half of emoluments for every completed six monthly period of qualifying service subject to a maximum of 33 times of emoluments provided that the amount of death gratuity shall in no case exceed Rs.6  lakhs.

To whom it is payable

It is payable to the nominee or nominees as the case may be on whom the Government servant has conferred the right to receive DCRG in the nomination form. If there is no nomination/nomination filed does not subsist, it is paid to family members eligible under the rules in equal shares. Gratuity to a minor is paid through the guardian.

Calculation of DCRG

DCRG= (LPD/4) * QS
Where LPD= Pay drawn on the last day of duty
QS = Qualifying Service expressed in completed six monthly periods.
Commuted Value of Pension  The Government servant has to opt for commutation of pension. Commuted Value is calculated based on commutation table with reference to age on next birthday. The percentage of pension commutable has been restricted to a maximum of 1/3rd of pension. The amount of monthly pension is reduced by the amount commuted. The commuted portion of pension shall be restored after 15 years from the date of drawal of commutation value.

 COMMUTATION TABLE Commutation value for a pension of Re1 per annum

Age as on next birthday Commuted value expressed as No. Of years purchase.
40 15.87
41 15.64
42 15.40
43 15.15
44 14.90
45 14.64
46 14.37
47 14.10
48 13.82
49 13.54
50 13.25
51 12.95
52 12.66
53 12.35
54 12.05
55 11.73
56 11.42
57 11.10
58 10.78
59 10.46
60 10.13
61  9.81