
       The Principal Accountant General (A & E) maintains the individual GPF accounts of nearly 4.8 lakh employees of the Karnataka State Government.  The Funds group is headed by an IA & AS Officer in the rank of  Deputy Accountant General.

        Provident Fund Accounts relating to the following funds are maintained by Pr. A.G. (A&E),Karnataka, Bangalore.

1. Karnataka General Provident Fund governed by “The Karnataka State General Provident Fund Rules Of 1957”. 

2. All State Provident Funds governed by the AISPF Rules. 

3. Provident Fund accounts of High Court Judges (Direct Recruits) governed by the Central Provident Fund Rules. 

 4. Non-detailed broadsheets in respect of Aided School Provident Funds and Contributory Provident Fund. The detailed General Provident Fund accounts of Aided School Provident Fund and Contributory Provident Fund are maintained by the respective District Officers.

Constitution of the Fund

The Fund shall be maintained in Indian Rupees