
Every Government employee at the end of service is rightly entitled to a peaceful and quiet retired life with his pensionary benefits settled on the day of retirement. It is essential that the Heads of Office acquaint themselves with the rules governing retirement/death benefits available to Government servants. The following guidelines, for retiring state government employees, will be helpful in the preparation and forwarding of pension papers :

Every officer competent to sanction pension should obtain (in May and November each year) from the subordinate officer a list of Government servants under him due to retire within 2 years (Rule 323 of KCSRs).

Pension papers in respect of Non-Gazetted Officers should be submitted to AG (A&E) by the concerned Heads of the Office at least 3 months prior to date of retirement of the Officer. (Rule 326 and Rule 332(c) of KCSRs).

All Gazetted Officers should submit their application for pension in Form 7 at least one year in advance before the retirement (Rule 327(1) of KCSRs)