
 Functions of Administration Group


  1. Preparation and submission of Revised Estimates and Budget Estimates, Review of Expenditure, Reconciliation of figures with PAO/IAD, PFMS, iBEMS and BEMS.

  2. Right To Information Act, Legal (Court/CAT) cases and Disciplinary procedures, Press Conference, Work related to Election duty, Telephone list of Group ‘A’ officers.

  3. MACP and Anomaly cases of Commercial wing, Pay fixation, Sanction of Annual Increments.

  4. Statistical sampling, Organizational Chart (Commercial), Issue of various certificates, NOCs etc, Deputations, Postings/Promotions and transfers of Sr.AOs/AOs/AAOs(Commercial).

  5. Intimation/Permissions for movable/ immovable property.

  6. Permission to write various examinations.

  7. Prior/Post-facto medical permissions for CGHS/ non-CGHS in case of emergency.

  8. Maintenance of Service Registers of all Cadres, Submission of Quarterly returns.

  9. Facilitating In-house training conducted by wings, Nominating Officers / Officials for RTI at Hyderabad, RTC at Bengaluru, BPST at New Delhi and ICISA at Noida.

  10. Appointment of retired officers on short term contract basis and appointment of outsourcing of MTS.

  11. Hindi Cell related works like translations, preparing periodical and Raj Bhasha Shield Yogna Reports, nominations to trainings and workshops, TOLIC, Cash Prize for passing Hindi Typing, correspondence with C&AG‘s office, Rajbhasha, CTB and other Hindi related issues.