1. When will a retired Government servant get his/her pensionary benefits?
The pensionary benefits will be authorized for payment through the requested treasury not earlier to one month from the date of retirement. (Rule 335(1) of KCSR) The pensionary benefits will be authorized within a month from the date of receipt of pension papers in prescribed format with all documents in A.G’s Office.
2. What is the procedure for drawing pensionary benefits?
The pensioner has to present himself before the treasury through which the payment is desired, with his copy of the intimation letter issued by the Accountant Generals’ Office authorizing pension and other retirement benefits.
3. What is the procedure to be followed when the pensioner has not received his/her copy of the authorization?
The Treasury Officer shall not insist upon the production of the intimation copy (if not available with the pensioner for various reasons) issued by the Accountant General for arranging payment of pensionary benefits authorized by the Accountant General.
4. What are the reasons for the difference in the pensionary benefits calculated by the Department and those admitted by the Accountant General?
Generally, the difference is due to either (i) error in arriving at the qualifying service or (ii) erroneous pay fixation by the department. The position is explained in the admissibility report sent to the department and a copy endorsed to the pensioner.
5. What are the reasons for withholding a part of DCRG?
(i) When the Head of the Office fails to report recoveries to be effected out of pensioner benefits at the time of retirement of the Government servant, a portion of DCRG equal to 10% of admissible DCRG or Rs.10, 000/- whichever is less, is withheld out of DCRG (O.M. No. FD (Spl) 64/cpp 2003 dt.9.12.2003).
If nothing is heard from the Department even after the expiry of six months the withheld amount for this reason will be automatically released after six months. (G.O No.FD (Spl) 42:CPP: 84 dated 23.9.85).
(ii) When the erroneous pay fixation done by the Department results in overpayment of pay and allowances during his/her service, a portion of DCRG is withheld. This is also explained in the admissibility report.
6.Who is eligible to receive family pension?
(i) Surviving Widow/Widower.
(ii) In the absence of (i), Sons till they attain the age of 18 years/daughters till they attain the age of 21 years or date of marriage whichever is earlier, according to the order of their birth (Rule 7 of KGS (FP) Rules).
7. Family pension involving more than one wife:
Family pension is payable to the surviving legally wedded wife/1st wife only. In the absence of such legally wedded wife/1st wife, family pension is payable to all the children of the deceased Government servant (including children of the deceased Government servant from subsequent marriages) eligible to receive family pension according to the order of their birth. (Rule 8 of KGS (FP) Rules).
8. Family pension to physically/mentally disabled children:
Family pension is payable to such children of the deceased Government servant for life if he/she is unable to earn his/her livelihood even after attaining the age of 18/21 years.
A Medical certificate from a Medical Officer not below the rank of a District Surgeon should be produced regarding the disability, which should indicate the inability to earn livelihood, by the beneficiary. (Rule 7 of KGS (FP) Rules)
9. When will the commuted portion of pension be restored?
The commuted portion of pension is restored from the 1st of the month following the expiry of 15 years from the date of commutation. (Rule 383 A (d) of K.C.S.Rs)
10.What is to be done when Pension Payment Order is to be transferred to some other circle i.e. outside the state of Karnataka?
The pensioner has to submit an application through the Treasury to the Accountant General indicating his PPO No. and the place of payment outside the state of Karnataka where he wishes to draw pension. The Treasury Officer will forward his application to the Accountant General along with both halves of the PPO. On receipt of these, Accountant General will issue Special Seal Authorization to the other Accounting Circle for arranging payment at the desired places.
In the case of transfers within Karnataka, the Treasury Officer concerned will arrange such transfers under intimation to the Accountant General. In such cases no action lies with the Office of the Accountant General.
11.What is to be done when pensioner’s half of PPO is lost, worn or torn?
The pensioner has to approach the District Treasury Officer, who is authorized to issue a renewed PPO as per Article 168 of K.TC.