This Office is responsible for the verification of pension claims and authorization of pensionary benefits relating to:
· State Government Employees
· Employees of State Aided Educational Institutions, allocated employees of Universities in the State of Karnataka,
· All India Service Officers borne on Karnataka Cadre.
· Judges of High Court of Karnataka.
· Members of Karnataka Public Service Commission.
· Political Pensioners and Artist Pensioners.
The Controller of State Accounts and the Legislative Secretariat authorize the pension claims of employees of Local Bodies and Members of Legislative Assembly and Council respectively. Old Age Pension, Physically Handicapped/Mentally Retarded Pensions, Destitute/Widow pension are sanctioned by concerned Deputy Commissioner. Adhoc pension to Pre-primary school staff (Grants-in-Aid) etc., are sanctioned and authorized by the respective Departments
Kinds of Pension
· Superannuation Pension - It is granted to a Government servant entitled or compelled by rule to retire at a particular age. At present, the age of superannuation is 60 years WEF 17/07/2008 as per GO.No. DPAR 44 SRA 2008 BANGALORE dated 28-07-2008. (Rule 95 of KCSR)
· Retiring Pension - Retiring pension is granted to a Government servant who is permitted to retire in accordance with the provisions of Rule 285 of KCSR. Weightage up to 5 Years of qualifying service shall be given and the total qualifying service so arrived at shall not exceed the qualifying service, which he would have rendered had he retired on superannuation.
· Invalid Pension - Invalid pension is granted to a government servant who by bodily or mental infirm is permanently incapacitated for public service or particular branch of it to which he belongs. (Rule 275 of KCSR)
· Compensation Pension - Compensation Pension is sanctioned to a Government servant owing to abolition of a permanent post. He shall be granted pension or gratuity to which he is entitled for the service rendered. (Rule 259 of KCSR)
· Minimum Pension - The minimum amount of pension under KCSR is Rs.2250/- per month with effect from 1-7-2005.(Monetary benefit wef 1/4/2006)
· Maximum Pension - The ceiling on the maximum amount of various kinds of pension is fixed at Rs. 19.950/- per month with effect from 01/07/2005.(Monetary benefit from 1/4/2006)
Dearness Allowance – The pensioners including holders of family pension shall continue to be entitled to Dearness Allowance on pension(before commutation/family pension at the same percentage as is adopted in the case of Government servants
Pension Terms and their Meanings
Qualifying Service:
The length of service determines the amount of pension that may be granted. Qualifying service is reckoned and expressed in terms of six monthly periods. Full pension is admissible for qualifying service of 66 six monthly periods (Maximum qualifying service).
In calculating the length of qualifying service, (i) a fraction of a year equal to three months and above shall be treated as a completed six monthly period (ii) fraction of a year equal to 9 months & above shall be treated as 2 six monthly periods and reckoned as qualifying service for determining amount of pension. (Note 2 under Rule 287 of KCSRs).
The minimum qualifying service for earning pension has been reduced from existing 15 years to 10 years vide G.O No. FD 06 SRA 2003 dated 08.09.2006
Conditions of Qualifying Service - A government servant’s service does not qualify for pension till he has completed 18 years of age (Rule 220 of KCSR). The service must be under Government i.e. appointment done by the Government and duties and pay regulated by the Government. (Rule 223 of KCSR)
Service does not qualify unless the Government servant holds a substantive office on a permanent establishment but temporary service forwarded by permanent service will count to the extent indicated in Rule 226. (Rule 224 of KCSR)
Service must be paid for by the Government and does not include service in a non-pensionable establishment.
This office is not the authority that finalises the pension claims of employees appointed/regularized by the Zilla Panchayats.
Rules for Reckoning Service -
Leave - Time passed on all kinds of leave with allowances counts as service (Rule 244 of KCSR). Periods of overstayal of leave, joining time, suspension and unauthorized absence which remain unregularised till the time of retirement shall count for pension as qualifying service to a maximum of 3 years. However the periods treated as ‘Dies-non’ shall not be counted as qualifying service for pension(Rule 244-A of KCSR)
Training - Government may at its discretion, decide, in the case of a Government servant who is selected to undergo a course of training whether the period shall count as qualifying service for pension. (Rule 246 of KCSR)
Suspension - The period of suspension does not count unless the competent authority passes an order under Rule 99. Time passed under suspension pending enquiry into the conduct counts in full where, on conclusion of the enquiry, the Government servant has been fully exonerated or the suspension is held to be wholly unjustified. (Rule 250 of KCSR).
Resignation, dismissal or removal - entails forfeiture of past service (Rule 252 of KCSR
Special Additions to Qualifying Service -
· Addition to qualifying service to members of the Bar, who are appointed to judicial department, is permissible as per the provisions of Rule 247(1) of KCSR.
· Persons, who are recruited after 30 years of age, are eligible for addition to the qualifying service in accordance with the provisions of Rule 247 A of KCSR.
· Military/ War service counts for pension (Rule 219-A, 219-B of KCSR), if pension is not earned for this service separately.
· Employees of educational institutions recognized by government and subsequently getting into Government service in accordance with the rules of recruitment are entitled for additions to qualifying service in accordance with the provisions of the Rule 248 of KCSR.
· Employees of work charged establishment of Government subsequently absorbed into Government service are entitled for additions to qualifying service as per the provisions of 248 A of KCSR.
· Counting of additional years/ past service (under Rule 219, 224, 235, 247, 248, 252,416 & 417 as qualifying service for pension as per the above rules is subject to sanction from the appointing authority in accordance with the provisions of Rule 224-B of KCSRs. (Effective from 12-5-2006, vide GO No.FD 06 SRA 2004 dated:8/5/2006).
Emoluments drawn on the last day of service to be reckoned for calculation of Pension. The emoluments include the following:-
· Basic pay drawn by a Government Servant in the scale of pay applicable to the post held by him on the date of retirement/death.
· Stagnation Increment, if any, granted to him above the maximum scale of pay.
· Personal pay, if any, granted to him under sub-rule (3) of Rule 7 of the Karnataka Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1999.
· Special pay attached to the posts of stenographers, typists, Drivers and Lift operators.
· Employees of educational Institutions recognized by government and subsequently getting into Government Service as a result of either the school being taken over by Government or his securing an appointment according to the rules of recruitment are entitled for additions to qualifying service in accordance with the provisions of the Rule 248 of KCSR.
Calculation of Pension
Pension = (Emoluments/2)* (QS/66)
Where Emoluments = Pay Drawn on the last day of service
QS: Qualifying service expressed in half yearly periods/six monthly periods
Retirement Gratuity/ Death gratuity
Retirement Gratuity
Retirement gratuity is paid to a government servant who retires and has completed more than ten six monthly periods of qualifying service.
It is equal to 1/4th of the emoluments for each completed six monthly period of qualifying service, subject to a maximum of 16.5 times the emoluments.
The amount of retirement gratuity thus calculated shall be subject to a maximum of Rs. 6 lakhs wef 31/3/2010 as per GO No. FD (Spl) PEN 2009 dated: 3/06/2010.
To whom it is payable
DCRG is payable to a retired government servant immediately after his retirement.
If the Government servant dies before receiving the payments, gratuity will be paid to the nominee in whose favour the nomination has been filed and accepted. If the nomination has not been filed/nomination filed does not subsist, DCRG is payable according to the provisions under Rule 292 of KCSRS.
Calculation of Retirement Gratuity
DCRG= (LPD/4) * QS
Where LPD= Emoluments drawn on the last of service
QS = Qualifying Service expressed in completed six monthly periods.
Death Gratuity
In the event of the death of a Government servant the death gratuity shall be admissible under Karnataka Civil service Rules at the following rates:
Serial No. |
Length of Qualifying Service |
Rate of gratuity |
1 |
Less than one year |
Two times of emoluments |
2 |
One year or more but less than 5 years. |
Six times of emoluments |
3 |
Five years or more but less than 20 years |
Twelve times of emoluments |
4 |
20 years or more |
Half of emoluments for every completed six monthly period of qualifying service subject to a maximum of 33 times of emoluments provided that the amount of death gratuity shall in no case exceed Rs.6 lakhs. |
To whom it is payable
It is payable to the nominee or nominees as the case may be on whom the Government servant has conferred the right to receive DCRG in the nomination form.
If there is no nomination/nomination filed does not subsist, it is paid to family members eligible under the rules in equal shares.
Gratuity to a minor is paid through the guardian.
Calculation of DCRG
DCRG= (LPD/4) * QS
Where LPD= Pay drawn on the last day of duty
QS = Qualifying Service expressed in completed six monthly periods.
Commuted Value of Pension
The Government servant has to opt for commutation of pension. Commuted Value is calculated based on commutation table with reference to age on next birthday. The percentage of pension commutable has been restricted to a maximum of 1/3rd of pension.
The amount of monthly pension is reduced by the amount commuted.
The commuted portion of pension shall be restored after 15 years from the date of drawal of commutation value.
Commutation value for a pension of Re1 per annum
Age as on next birthday |
Commuted value expressed as No. Of years purchase. |
40 |
15.87 |
41 |
15.64 |
42 |
15.40 |
43 |
15.15 |
44 |
14.90 |
45 |
14.64 |
46 |
14.37 |
47 |
14.10 |
48 |
13.82 |
49 |
13.54 |
50 |
13.25 |
51 |
12.95 |
52 |
12.66 |
53 |
12.35 |
54 |
12.05 |
55 |
11.73 |
56 |
11.42 |
57 |
11.10 |
58 |
10.78 |
59 |
10.46 |
60 |
10.13 |
61 |
9.81 |
Family Pension
Family for the purpose of Karnataka Government Servants (FP) Rules, 2002 means
(i) Surviving Wife or Husband.
(ii) Minor sons i.e. till they attain the age of 18 years.
(iii) Unmarried daughters till they attain the age of 21 years or date of marriage whichever is earlier.
Family Pension is payable to one person at a time.
Initially it is payable to wife/husband of the Government servant as the case may be till her/his death or remarriage.
Subsequently, children, one after another, in the order of their birth are eligible for family pension till they attain the age of 18/21 years as the case may be.
Physically handicapped/Mentally retarded sons & unmarried daughters of the deceased Government servant are also entitled to family pension for life or till they continue to be handicapped.
The rates of Family Pension admissible under Rule 4 of Karnataka Government servants (Family Pension) Rules, 2002 (revised by G.O. NO. FD 03 PEN 2007(I) dated 6-6-2007) is as follows:
30% of pay last drawn with effect from 01/07/2005 subject to minimum of Rs. 2250/- and maximum of RS. 11970/- pm.(monitory benefit from 1/4/2006 only)
When both the parents are Government servants & their family pension payable to the minor children shall be restricted to Rs.11970/- pm (G.O No.FD 02 SRA 2010 dated 19/11/2010).
Enhanced Family Pension -
Method of calculation of Enhanced family Pension
· Normal Family Pension is calculated. It is doubled.
· 50% of the pay last drawn is calculated.
Whichever of above is less is paid as Enhanced Family pension admissible only in cases where a Government Servant has rendered an actual service of 7 years or more.
Weightage in service under Rule 219, 235, 247 & 248 shall not be reckoned as qualifying service for allowing enhanced family pension).
The rates of Family Pension admissible under Rule 4 of Karnataka Government Servants (Family Pension) Rules, 2002 (Revised by G.O.No.FD 03 PEN 2007 (I) dated 6-6-2007) is as follows:
30% of pay last drawn with effect from 01/07/2005 (monetary benefit from 1/4/2006) subject to minimum of RS.2250/- and maximum of Rs.11970/- pm.
Let the average emoluments = Rs. 8100
50% of average emoluments = Rs. 4050
Normal FP= 30% of Rs. 8100 = Rs. 2430
Twice Normal FP = Rs. 4860
Since Rs. 4050 is less than Rs. 4860 enhanced family pension will be paid at a rate of Rs.4050 for a period of seven years from the Date Of Death or till the date on which Government servant would have attained the age of 67 years. Subsequently normal family pension at a rate of Rs. 2430 will be paid.
The State Judicial Officers are governed by separate scales of pay introduced as per the recommendations of FNJPC. Further, the provisions of under No.LAW 147 LAC 2009 dated:30/09/2010 read with directions in GO’s No.LAW 124 LAC 97 dated: 4/2/2004 & LAW 115 LAC 2007 dated: 22/4/2008.
The main Pensionary benefits available to state judicial officers are:
1) Last pay drawn is reckoned for calculation of Pension. There is no maximum limit on pension.
2) Maximum qualifying service has been slashed to 20 years from 2/9/2008. The state Judicial Officers who have completed 20 years of service are entitled to full pension. However, qualifying service in respect of State Judicial Officers retiring between 1/1/2006 and 1/9/2008 shall be calculated as per existing Rules.
3) FP shall be as per the State Rules.
4) The Dearness Allowance on Pension/FP at the Central Rates.
5) Maximum ceiling on DCRG is fixed at Rs.10 Lakhs from 1/1/2006.
6) Maximum amount of pension that could be commuted is 50% of admissible Pension.
7) The additional quantum of Pension/FP equal to Central Government Employees is also admissible.
8) The State Judicial Officers retired prior to 1/1/2006 are entitled to 50% of the Minimum pay of the post held at the time of retirement in the revised pay scale.
Lecturers, Physical Education Teachers etc., in Colleges:-
The Lecturers, Physical Education Teachers, etc., in Government and Aided First Grade Colleges are governed by UGC scales of pay (GO.No.ED 37 UNE 2009 dated:24/12/2009) The teachers, librarians, etc of Government/Aided Engineering Colleges & polytechnics are governed by AICTE scales of pay (GO’s NO.ED 96 DTE 2010 dated: 7/3/2011 & ED 118 DTE 2011 dated: 31/3/2011)
However, these employees are governed by KCSRs/TBS (as the case may be) regarding other conditions of service & pensionary benefits (GO No.FD (Spl) 149 PEN 2010 dated: 19/9/2010)
Stages of Processing of Pension
Broadly stated, there are three stages in the settlement of pension claims.
Settlement of pension claims starts from the processing and forwarding of pension papers by the departments in which the employees served last.
Verification and authorization of pensionary benefits by the A.G’s office.
Finally, the disbursement of pensionary entitlements from the concerned Treasury.
For details regarding details of each stage along with the designated authority for that activity, please see the table below
Authority Responsible for Dealing with Different Issues
Activity |
Authority Concerned |
1. |
Processing and forwarding of retirement/death claims of employees: (i) In respect of Non-Gazetted Officers |
Department where the employees served last. |
(ii) In respect of Gazetted Officers |
AG(A&E) |
2. |
Verification of retirement/death benefits |
AG (A&E) |
3. |
Authorisation of Pensionary benefits |
AG (A&E) |
(ii) In respect of High Court Judges: - (a) Preparation and issue of Pension Payment Orders/amendment authority for revision of pension. |
AG (A&E) |
(b) Preparation and issue of authorization of lumpsum benefits (DCRG and Commuted Value) |
AG (A&E) |
c) Issue of Special Seal authority to the concerned link Branch of Public Sector Banks. |
Central Pension Accounting Office New Delhi |
(iii) Maintenance of records and onward transmission to Paying Branch of choice |
Link Branch of Public Sector Banks at District Headquarters |
(iii) State Political and Artist Pensions |
By State Government and Concerned Department |
(b) Authorizations to Treasuries (Issue of Pension Payment Orders) |
AG (A&E) |
4. |
Disbursement of Pension |
Treasury/Bank opted by the pensioner |
As would be seen from the above, different authorities are involved in a pension case.
The table below indicates the authorities that deal with specific issues related to pension matters. The table has been provided so that the relevant authority is addressed for the specific issue falling within its purview. This would pre-empt avoidable inconvenience, delay and unnecessary paperwork.
Activity |
Authority Concerned |
1. |
A. Processing, Calculation and forwarding of Pension papers and related documents. a. Non-Gazetted Officers |
Head of the Office where employee last served |
b. Gazetted Officers |
AG(A&E) |
(B) Authorisation of |
AG (A&E) |
(i) Retirement/death gratuity |
AG (A&E) |
(ii) General Provident Fund |
AG (A&E) |
(iii) Leave encashment |
Department where the employee last served. |
(b) Gazetted Officers |
AG (A&E) |
(iv) Karnataka Government Employees Insurance Fund. |
Deptt. where the employee last served. |
(v) Authorisation of family pension to other eligible members where both pensioner and spouse have expired. |
AG (A&E) |
(vi) Revalidation of pensioner benefits already authorized but has remained undrawn for more than one year. |
A.G (A&E) |
vii) Payment of Life time Arrears |
Treasury |
2 |
(i) Any policy matter with regard to retirement/death benefits excluding matters pertaining to accounting procedure. |
State Government |
(ii) Sanction of dearness allowance |
State Government |
3 |
(i) Disbursement of Pension/Family Pension and Dearness Allowance, DCRG and Commuted value of pensions etc., on receipt of authorizations issued by AG (A&E). |
Concerned Treasury/Bank |
(ii) Calculation and disbursements of arrears of pension/family pension |
Concerned Treasury/Bank |
(iii) Restoration of Commuted portion of pension after 15 years |
Concerned Treasury/Bank |
(iv) Application for grant of family pension on the death of pensioner along with Death Certificate. Where provision for family pension is not made in the Pension Payment Order |
AG (A&E) forwarded through the Pension Sanctioning Authority Concerned Treasury/Bank |
(v) Transfer of Pension Payment a)from one Branch/Bank to another. b) Transfer of payment of Pension/FP outside the State |
Concerned Treasury/Bank AG (A&E) |
4 |
(I) Any grievance pertaining to Banks |
Concerned Treasury |
(ii) Any grievance pertaining to Treasuries |
Director of Treasuries/AG (A&E) |
Documents Accompanying Pension Proposals
A. Service Book/Register: The Service Register is the main document in support of the service rendered by the Government servant and also in determining the emoluments to be considered for calculation of pensionary benefits. Hence, the forwarding authority should ensure that the Service Register is complete in all respects. Further, he should check and ensure the following
(a) Type of appointment and the authority under which appointed should be noted.
(b) Whether the service of the Government servant from commencement to the retirement is continuous and recorded under proper attestation.
(c) The Date of Retirement/Date of Death of the Government servant is recorded.
(d) All the breaks in service are regularized as leave, joining time, etc.,
(e) If the Government servant was placed under suspension, the periods of suspension are regularized as duty, leave or as period of suspension treated as such, and entries made quoting orders of the competent authority.
(f) Pay fixation details (other than normal increments accorded) should be noted quoting the orders of the competent authority.
(g) If the Government servant was granted any extension of service, the same should be recorded in the Service Register under proper attestation.
(h) All official documents required as proof of Service, if any, not in the regular line of Service, have to be forwarded to enable the counting of such service for pensionary benefits.
(i) If any re-employment was made before sending the pension proposals to Accountant General (A&E) full details may be noted.
(j) Whether the nomination for gratuity submitted by the Government servant has been attached to the Service Register.
(k) Whether anticipatory pension/DCRG sanctioned to the retired Government servant have been recorded in the Service Register under proper attestation indicating the rate of pension and period. The amount as Anticipatory DCRG should also be recorded.
(l) Duplicate Service Register maintained as per Orders contained in O.M. No. GAD 64 MAR 71 Dated 19.1.1972 when the Original Service Register is misplaced or lost has to be forwarded with the necessary recordings/certificates as per O.M. No. FD 41 SRS 73 Dated 6.6.73
In addition to the above, the following information has to be recorded in Service Register in the following cases:
(i) Grant-in-aid institutions - necessary certificates as per Grants-in-aid code duly countersigned by the competent authority.
(ii) Voluntary Retirement under Rule 285 - Sanction Order and date of relief duly attested.
(iii) Invalid Pension - Medical certificate and sanction order to be enclosed and date of relief has to be recorded.
(iv) Compulsory Retirement - Orders of competent authority indicating the rate of pension to be paid has to be enclosed.
(iv) Work charged and Contingency paid service - where a portion of service is work charged or paid from the contingencies either on daily or monthly wages or fixed scales of pay, orders of regularization/absorption should be specifically entered under proper attestation. The relevant orders, in support of such regularization/absorption should invariably be noted in order to extend the benefits under Rule 248A and 248AA of KCSRs.
B. Application form in Form 7/Form 9 in duplicate duly completed in all respects and signed by the Head of the Office.
C. List of family members duly indicating
(a) Their relationship with the Government servant.
(b) Date of Birth of each member and age.
(c) Marital status in respect of daughter.
D. Commutation: In retirement cases declaration to commute a portion of pension along with pension application. Option once exercised is final.
E. Certificate stating that departmental/judicial proceedings are not pending against the official.
F. No-demand certificate
(a) From the Head of the office in case of outstanding amount of any advance/loan etc., with interest due thereon.
(b) In respect of long-term advances, the following details should be furnished.
(i) Amount of advance drawn.
(ii) Amount recovered so far.
(iii) Balance due towards principal and interest.
(c) All other Government dues to be recovered have to be noted in the details (Co-operative dues can be recovered only with the consent of the pensioner).
G. Last Pay Certificate duly indicating the rates and date up to which the salary has been paid
In cases of retirement on superannuation, Last Pay Certificate along with final No Due Certificate should be forwarded to the Pr. AG (A&E) immediately after retirement of the Government Servant
All retiring officials may please ensure that the service particulars are recorded in full, up to the date of retirement and pension papers are forwarded along with all necessary documents
H. Documents required for authorizing payments to Pensioners
(i) 3 copies of joint photographs duly attested.
(ii) 3 copies of specimen signatures duly attested.
(iii) 3 copies of identification marks duly attested.
(iv) Name of the Treasury through which the payment of pensionary benefits is desired
I. Additional documents in death cases :
In addition to the above documents, the following documents have to be furnished in death cases.
(i) Death Certificate of deceased Government servant.
(ii) LPC indicating the date up to which salary was paid.
(iii) List of family members as defined under Rule 302 duly certified by the Head of the Office. List of family members should indicate the relationship of each member with the Government servant, Date of Birth of children and marital status of daughters.
(iv) Survivorship Certificates issued by the Revenue Authority not below the Rank of Tahasildar, in cases of dispute.
(v) In case the family pension is payable to minor children, their Date of birth with supporting documents and necessary certificates under Rule 347, regarding guardianship.
(vi) In case more than one wife survives the deceased Government servant, name of the legally wedded wife entitled for Family Pension.
(vii) In respect of extra-ordinary family pension cases, sanction order from Government along with application in the prescribed form (as prescribed in extra-ordinary pension rules) to be enclosed to the pension proposal.
J. Points to be noted while processing DCRG cases
In cases of death of Government servant while in service it is very important to note that the family members of the deceased in most of the cases will be ignorant of their claims and also the documents to be produced to the Department for claiming the benefits. The Departmental authorities should therefore contact the family members, educate them properly and get all the necessary documents by extending requisite help
(i) DCRG is payable to the nominee/alternate nominee, in presence of a valid nomination exercised in favour of a family member as defined under Rule 302 of KCSRs.
(ii) In the absence of a valid nomination, the gratuity is to be divided in equal shares among all eligible family members under Rule 302 read with Rule 292(i) of KCSRs. The shares of the minors are payable to the natural guardian and in the absence of one, to the appointed guardian as per Rule 345(B) of KCSRs.
(iii) Documents necessary to facilitate payments i.e.
(a) The attested photographs, specimen signatures and identification marks in respect of each of the beneficiaries.
(b) The residential address and the treasury through which payment is desired in respect of each of the beneficiaries.
(iv) Last Pay Certificate duly indicating the rates and date up to which salary has been paid
Online Enquiry
To know your pensionary benefits or revised benefits online, check the status through the links provided or click here Online Pension Enquiry
Online Pension Enquiry
To know the status of the Pension log on to
Or e-mail us at agpen.kar[at]nic[dot]in
In case of any grievance, the pensioner may write to this office at the following address:
Senior Deputy Accountant General (Pension)
O/o The Principal Accountant General (A&E), Karnataka (New Building)
Park House Road, Bangalore – 560 001.
P.M. : General items of work of PV & PA; AIS/High Court Judges; KPSC (non- official members).
PV I : Revenue, Ports; S.A.D.; Survey Settlement and Land Records.
PV II : Medical (Except Bangalore , Hassan, Gulbarga and Belgaum ).
PV III : Police (Except Gulbarga, Dharwar, Mysore, Hubli, Belgaum, Hassan, Bijapur, Bagalkot)
PV IV : Education ( Bellary , Kolar & Shimoga). Police: (Gulbarga, Dharwar, Mysore, Hubli, Belgaum, Hassan, Bijapur, Bagalkot)
PV V : Education ( Belgaum , Udupi, Mangalore, Coorg Koppal, Raichur & Davanagere).
PV VI : Collegiate Education; N.C.C.; All Universities; Director of Collegiate Education. Education Department (Government), which includes DDPI; CPI; KSSEB; PU Board;JDPI; Mass Education; Text Books; Vocational Education; Adult Education; DIET; Urdu & Other Minorities Directorates; of Ramanagaram, Bangalore Urban & Rural Districts; Registration & Stamps & Technical Education.
PV VII : Factories & Boilers; Employment & Training; Forests; Fisheries; Information & Publicity; Labour; KMAS; Mines & Geology; Social Welfare; Transport; TDB; School of Mines ; and Department not allotted to other PV Sections.
PV VIII : Education(Hassan, Gulbarga , Mysore , Chamarajanagar, Gadag & Chitradurga).
PV IX : Education(Bijapur, Bagalkot, Bidar, Dharwar Haveri, Tumkur and Chickmagalur).
PV X : PWD (Other than the Districts shown against PV XI), RDPR (Bangalore (Rural) & (Urban), Bagalkot, Belgaum, Bellary, Bidar, Bijapur, Chamarajanagar, Chickmagalur, Chickballapur, Chitradurga, Davangere, Dharwar & Gadag.
PV XI : PWD (Hubli, Dharwar, Haveri, Gadag, Bidar, Bangalore, Tumkur, Hassan, Kolar, Chitradurga, Davanagere, Shimoga, North Kanara, Udupi, Mangalore, Ramanagaram & Chickballapur Districts) Horticulture, Prisons & Fire Force.
RDPR (Gulbarga, Hassan, Haveri, Hubli, Kodagu, Kolar, Koppal, Mandya, Mysore, North Kanara, South Kanara, Raichur, Ramanagaram, Shimoga, Tumkur & Udupi.
PV XII : Education ( Uttar Kannada & Mandya); Agriculture & APMC Marketing.
PV XIII : Co-operation; Medical ( Bangalore , Hassan, Gulbarga & Belgaum districts) Printing & Stationary; Sericulture; Home Guard; Charitable & Religious Endowments; Karnataka Government Secretariat & Guest House.
PV XIV : Judiciary; Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services, ESI (Medical).
PV Cell : Education ( All Schools (Aided) of Bangalore(Urban & Rural) Districts; Industries & Commerce; Excise; Treasury , Commercial Taxes; Archaeology & Museum: Bureau of Economics & Statistics; KGID; Flying Training School; Jakkur Aerodrome; Kannada Art & Culture; Food & Civil Supplies; KPSC; Library Dept: Sainki Welfare Dept; Small Savings & Lotteries; Tourism & Information; Town Planning Dept; Vigilance Commission; Dept of Weights & Measures; Youth and Sports Services; Translation; Store Purchase Department; KAT (Appellate); Gazetteer; Bharath Scouts & Guides (TBS); Government Computer Centre; State Archives.
P.A. : Authorisation pertaining to Mysore, Chamarajanagar, Bidar, Dharwar, Gadag, Haveri, Hubli, Kolar, Karwar, Mangalore, Udupi, Tumkur, Bellary, Chickmagalur, Chitradurga, Davanagere, Chickballapur & Madikeri districts; Other Governments Inward & Outward, Central Civil Pensions, Central Freedom Fighter Pensions, State Freedom Fighters pension,Artists pension; Residual Work pertaining to Railways; Foreign Pensions; 294 B Cases; Revision of Pension Cases as per GO dated 25-2-1989/8-3-1990; Maintenance of Specimen Signatures of PAO’s /AGs; Monthly Compilation of Accounts under Pensions relating to above Districts; Monthly certification of A/cs under I.S.S. of all Districts in the State; Forwarding of other Government’s State D.A.Orders to all Districts in the State.
P.C. : Existing Pension Contribution work; Consolidation of Accounts; Issue of Authorisations relating to Shimoga, Hassan, P.P.T.; B.R.D.T; Belgaum, Bijapur, Bagalkot, Gulbarga, Mandya, Raichur, Koppal, Ramanagaram & Bangalore (Urban Districts).
Note: The work distribution may change due to administrative contingencies
1. List of Manuals/Rules:-
(a) KCSRs
(b) KTC
(c ) AIS (DCRB) Rules
(d) High Court Judges Act ( Payment of pension and other retirement benefits to the High Court Judges)
(e) KAT Rules ( Payment of pension and other retirement benefits to the KAT Members, Chairman & Vice Chairman)
(f) State Election Commissioner Rules
( Payment of pension and other Retirement
Benefits to the State Election Commissioners)
(g) Orders relating to Payment of
Pension through Public Sector
(h) Orders relating to payment of
Pension through Public Sector
Banks (State)
(i) FFWR Rules
2. List of Documents Maintained in Pension wing (with Preservation period):-
Documents Preservation Period
(a) Pension Case File Permanent
(b) Pension Payment Vouchers 5 Years
(c ) DCRG Payment Vouchers 5 Years
(d) Commutation Payment Vouchers 5 Years
(e) PPO Registers Permanent
(f) GPO & CVP Registers Permanent
The government servant appointed/regularized/absorbed in service under Government on or after 1/4/2006 are governed by the Provisions of New Defined Contributory Pension Scheme (GO No. FD(Spl)) 04 PET 2005 dated: 31/3/2006. This office is not the authority that finalises Pension claims under this scheme. (GO No. FD 03 Ser 2010 dated: 15/4/2011)