
 Functions and duties of the Group Officer, Admn & Economic Sector-I


  1. Audit of Public Works Department, Water Resources Department, Minor Irrigation Department, Urban  Development Department and Forest, Ecology and Environment Department.

  2.  Central audit of monthly accounts and vouchers rendered by 32 treasuries under the major heads 2406, 2700, 2701, 4700, 4701, 2702, 2059, 3054 and 5054.

  3. Annual Certification of Externally Aided Projects viz., KSHIP, KSFMBC, NHP.

  4. Certification of Annual Accounts of Public Sector undertakings coming under above stated department.

  5. Companies under section 19 of C&AG’s (DPC) Act, 1971 and supplementary audit of accounts under section 619(4) of the Companies Act, 1956 and,

  6. Autonomous Bodies under Section 13, 14, 19 and 20 of C&AG’s (DPC) Act, 1971 falling under departments noted in point no.1